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(MB) 583 Enable Online-Signature 584 Failed to save 585 .7J@ %s (%u) 70O28; B2>OB0 ;8AB0 AJA A?>45;5=8 D09;>25 -> %s 586 @85B> 587 B:070=> 588 Download 589 Upload 590 UDP-Request Limit 591 Limits 592 I.C.H active 593 @5<5 70 A@54=0B0 4803@0<0: %i <8=CB8 594 803@0<8 595 !B0B8AB8:8 596 0AB@>9:0 =0 48A?;5O 70 AB0B8AB8:8 597 "2J@4 ;8<8B 598 J2:02 ;8<8B 599 :/A 600 "2J@45 <=>3> 2@J7:8 601 $09; A B0:>20 8<5 25G5 AJI5AB2C20, D09;JB 5 18; AJE@0=5= :0B> %s 602 Downloaded: 603 @81025= 70 download: 604 7?>;M0=5 =0 72C: 605 >2> 2;870=5 ?@8 @538AB@0F8O 606 0?>G20=5 =0 =>20 G0B A5A8O 607 >2> G0B AJ>1I5=85 5 ?@85B> 608 0C=;>040 5 ?@81025= 8;8 702J@H5= 609 !J>1I5=8O 610 Msg popup 611 Pop out when 612 !J>1I5=85 >B 613 Capacities 614 !B0BCA =0 @538ABJ@0 615 !B0BCA 616 * !B0@B8@0=5 =0 ;8G=0B0 G0B A5A8O 617 * %s H0<0@8 %s =02AO:J45 A 3>;O<0 Babelfish! 618 8G=> AJ>1I5=85 619 ? 620 5? 621 Voice 622 >;C->? 623 0E0=5 =0 ?>;C->? 624 8B=8: 625 ;5A=8F0 626 ;870< 627 8AB =0 :0=0;0 628 !2J@720=5 629 7:;NG20=5 630 * %s 2;870 %s 631 * %s 5 G0AB %s (%s) 632 * %s 5 87@8B0= >B %s (%s) 633 Your nick is already being used in the IRC server. Please choose a different nick in the IRC tab in Preferences. 634 5>9A 635 * %s =0?CA=0 (%s) 636 * %s 5 25G5 %s 637 * %s A;030: %s %s 638 ** O:>9 =>28 ?@><5=8, :>8B> A0 =0?@025=8 =5 A5 ?>44J@60B 2 <><5=B0. 85 B@O120 40 =0?CA=5B5 8 40 2;575B5 >B=>2> 2 :0=0;0, 70 40 A5 >1=>28 =8:-;8AB0B0.. 639 0=0; 640 8: 641 7?@0I0< 642 <5 643 PRIVMSG %s :ACTION slaps %s around with a large Babelfish! 644 Add timestamp to messages. 645 Use Channel List Filter. 646 Perform 647 Use perform string on connect. 648 Add to friends list 649 Load server channel list on connect. 650 added you as friend! 651 The number you have selected for "%s" is larger than your OS supports: %d\nThis may cause your system to become unstable.\n\nAre you sure you want to do this? 652 Take over 653 Cleanup 654 Rename 655 Add this to the IRC clipboard to send to friends. 656 Send this to friend: 657 %s sent (%s) to be auto started. 658 Accept ED2K links in IRC. (Use this with caution!) 659 Source Names 660 Start minimized 661 Urgent: Out of diskspace, serverconnection lost 662 Colors 663 Background 664 Grid 665 Download current 666 Download time-average 667 Download session-average 668 Upload current 669 Upload time-average 670 Upload session-average 671 Active connections 672 Active downloads 673 Active uploads 674 Set Upload-Speedlimit 675 Set Download-Speedlimit 676 Unlimited 677 minimum recommended %i 678 Set full up/down-speed 679 Throttle up/down-speed 680 Ignore info messages. 681 Connection lost 682 Operating System 683 How many downloads do you usually have going at once? 684 If you tested your connection speed, put results here. 685 Preset Buttons 686 True Upload Bandwidth 687 True Download Bandwidth 688 Friends 689 *** Disconnected 690 Wizard 691 Add to Friends 692 Remove Friend 693 removed from static serverlist 694 remove from static serverlist 695 Length 696 Video 697 Audio 698 File &Info 699 Codec 700 Bitrate 701 Width 702 Fps 703 Channels 704 Samplerate 705 Round Bitrate 706 Height 707 Unable to retrieve shared files from '%s' 708 Requesting shared files from '%s' 709 View Files 710 Establish Friend Slot 711 (Friend Slot) 712 UDP Port 713 disable 714 Select your connection type here: 715 Connection Type 716 Concurent Downloads 717 Unit: 718 Custom 719 (enter below!) 720 Max Downloadrate Average (Session): %.2f kB/s 721 Max Downloadrate (Session): %.2f kB/s 722 Safe Connect. 723 You need a HighID to create a valid sourcelink 724 Copy ED2k link to clipboard (source) 725 Failed to load server.met! 726 Corrupted compressed packet for %s received (error %i) 727 The file emfriends.met is invalid or corrupted! 728 Unknown error while reading emfriends.met: %s 729 Unknown server info received! 730 Fatal Error: Failed to create Timer 731 Down (kbit/s) 732 Up (kbit/s) 733 Choose a folder for incoming files 734 Choose a folder for temp files 735 Auto 736 Auto [No] 737 Auto [Hi] 738 Auto [Re] 739 Auto [Lo] 740 Connection attempt to "%s" (%s:%i ) timed out 741 Connecting to "%s" (%s:%i ) failed. 742 No more servers available to connect to. 743 Connection Limits 744 max. new connections / 5secs 745 Enable autopriority 746 Max Users 747 Extended Settings 748 Warning: Do not change these setting unless you know what you are doing. Otherwise you can easily make things worse for yourself.\neMule will run fine without adjusting any of these settings. 749 Add a friend 750 Required Information 751 Additional Information 752 You have to enter a valid username and userhash ! 753 Add 754 Recovered part.met file for: %s 755 Comment this file! (This text will be show to all users) 756 For a film, you can say his lenght, his story, the langage... And if it is a Fake you can inform user of Emule... 757 %s file comment 758 Change this file's comment... 759 No comments 760 File comment: 761 Not connected yet... 762 Show all comments 763 Refresh 764 All Comments 765 No comments entered... 766 File quality 767 Choose the file rating or advice other users if it is invalid 768 Invalid / Corrupt / Fake 769 Poor 770 Good 771 Fair 772 Excellent 773 Not rated 774 K 775 M 776 G 777 T 778 Ignore Emule Proto Messages. 779 Use smart LowID check on connect.